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Crossing Over - III

Quick location change to show you the stunning areas Utah has. I love the snowy mountains behind me, and the many trees. The trees have no leaves, and yet are still beautiful. One reason I like taking pics in Utah is because I have packing options. We shot this collection on our way up to Park City. Park City is where we shot the Christmas shoot, and other collections like one of everyones favorites Snowbird. As we were driving we went up Provo Canyon we decided to take pics in the outfit I was wearing- my step dad had mentioned a bridge he remembered that was on the way up to Park City. We didn't know the exact location so it was a mini drive around and look. It reminded me of when we originally started taking photos; we drove around and hoped to find the perfect location. At the time we were primarily shooting Team Beijo Babe, their brand expected us to get good pics and progress my modeling career. This heightened our expectations for finding good places to shoot. Now that we travel and have locations planned we rarely drive around, it was really fun to go back to the basics and find this stunning bridge.

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